The Ninth Hong Kong International Lighting Fair Welcomed A Record Of 1,340 Exhibitors From 13 Countries And Regions
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“Buyers from European, US and Asian markets were actively engaged in sourcing, with buyer attendance from the United States, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, the Philippines and Thailand recording double-digit increases – bringing more business opportunities for exhibitors.” Mr Chau noted that a fairground sur vey indicated that the industr y was optimistic about the lighting market’s outlook for the coming year, with expectations of persistent demand for smart lighting and substantial growth in LED and green lighting sectors.

A new “Smart Lighting & Solutions” zone was introduced this year to showcase the latest smart lighting systems, remote controls and products, while “LED and Green Lighting” remained the fair ’s largest thematic zone, attracting more than 450 suppliers. These zones offered quality products catering to the latest market needs. The HK TDC commissioned the independent on-site sur vey during the fair, inter viewing more than 373 exhibitors and buyers about their views regarding industr y prospects.

The survey found that 95 per cent of respondents expect overall sales of products to increase or remain unchanged this year, up 31 percentage points from last year. As for product trends, respondents consider lighting accessories, parts & components to be the product sector with the highest growth (38%), followed by LED & green lighting (18%), household lighting (18%) and smart lighting & solutions (9%). Among traditional markets, respondents are most optimistic about North America, Western Europe and Hong Kong. As for emerging markets, respondents believe the Chinese mainland, ASEAN countries, the Middle East and Latin America have the best growth prospects this year.