Ayrton appoints MQ Lightings as new exclusive distributor for the Philippines
Views: 305

Ayrton is delighted to announce the appointment of MQ Lightings as its new, exclusive distributor for the Philippines.

Established in 1987, MQ Group (popularly known as MQ Lightings) serves as the official distributor, and systems integrator, for over 40 global brands of photographic, video, broadcast/livestream, and stage equipment for the Philippine media and entertainment industry. MQ Lightings supplies customers with world class cutting-edge, professional equipment and services and is committed to meeting the high standards of lighting designers and consultants, film-makers, cinematographers, DOP’s, broadcast engineers and other professionals in the industry.

MQ Lightings’ product and marketing manager, Christian Ong, explains why they were keen to stock Ayrton products: “Ayrton is a very reputable brand, well-known by industry professionals and offers an extremely wide range of luminaires that cater to both small and large scale projects. The products fit our target market, and the projects that we work on, very well, including, theatre, auditoriums, broadcast studios and houses of worship.”

With immediate effect, MQ Lightings will distribute and support Ayrton’s entire product line across the Philippines. “We intend to develop the Ayrton brand with open house demos, private demos and roadshows and will be very active with our social media marketing,” says Ong. “We feel the Ayrton products, with their very diverse range and versatility, will help to fill a significant role in our stage lighting projects, and in particular the weatherproof options.”

“Ayrton is delighted to welcome MQ Lightings to the Ayrton network as our exclusive distributor for this very important market, and to work with a company that takes such great pride in bringing in the latest equipment and technology to its customers,” says Ayrton’s Vijay Thaygarajoo. “We look forward to developing our dynamic new partnership.”