The Virtual Lighting Design (VLD) Community at Light Middle East Dubai 2023
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Dubai, UAE – The Virtual Lighting Design (VLD) Community stepped into unchartered territories recently when it partnered with Messe Frankfurt Middle East for the Light Middle East (LME) event held in Dubai between 17-19 January 2023. The VLD Community’s role was to create a buzz by delivering exclusive and informative content for the exhibitors and visitor of the event. This unique content was recorded in the form of live interviews with lighting professionals on a specially created VLD Community stage at the event’s Premium Lounge. These recorded sessions were also posted on all the LME social media channels as part of the event’s daily digest.

The VLD Community once again proved itself to be a very useful platform for the global lighting community by recording unique live content and making it available to a worldwide audience, thereby making the event live on well past its actual happening. Members and visitors can of the VLD Community platform can revisit the interviews with the various stakeholders who participated in the event, like the keynote speakers, the local and international lighting design community as well as some of the exhibitors. All the interviewees shared their valuable experience and views on the key topics of the event (innovative design, sustainable future and seamless integration), the current industry trends as well as shedding light on what drives their passion for lighting and lighting design. These insightful interviews were moderated by the VLD Community co-founders Ingmar and Martin Klaasen and are now available on the VLDC website.   

The recognition of the VLD Community has been growing steadily and participation in such a prestigious annual lighting industry event cemented its status as one of the leading and relevant lighting communities in the world. With over 200 members and relevant content added on a content added on a weekly basis, this community is growing fast. While access to most of the VLD Community site is free, subscribing members have additional access to the highly informative series of thought leaders presentations who in Season 1 discussed a variety of topics ranging from the art, business and philosophy of lighting design.

Preparation for Season 2 is currently underway and is expected to be launched in April with a whole new trove of insightful presentations delivered by some of our lighting industry’s top thought leaders. More live events and exciting initiatives are being planned in the coming year. So watch out for the VLD Community’s social media channels and also check out the exciting newly revamped website: